Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Starting to Own It

I've often heard the idea that as long as a person goes to church because their family goes, or because their parents make them go, it is actually their parents' religion that they are following. But, hopefully, somewhere along the way a person will become more active, more decisive about wanting to attend church themselves, or participate in a small group, or get involved in some other church activity. They will move from listening to Bible stories to reading the Bible for themselves. And at that point, it becomes their religion - not their parents'.

That was very much how I felt today. It was a chaotic start to the day and I got thrown off the routine I'd established over the past two weeks. Instead of starting around 8:00 a.m., I was finally able to get started walking at the same time that I've normally been getting finished (about 9:30). One walking partner had taken a rain check last night; the other did so this morning.

It was late. I was hungry. My day would be half-gone by the time I finished and did all my post-walk stuff (shower, dress, eat). No one was expecting me to go or planning to go with me. If ever there was a morning to take a break...let it slide "just this once"...this was it.

And I still put on my shoes, put in the earbuds for the first time, did my warm-up stretches and aerobics, and took off walking.

This is for ME. This is MY fitness program.

The company and companionship is nice. The mentoring is still very much needed. But today this truly became my thing.

Even more so, it feels great to have beat back the temptation to let it slide today.

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